# # invocation: # mirror [resume] [wget switches] # # wget switches: # -Q 3m only get 3MB, then quit (quota = 3m) # # --continue (could be *useful* for 'resume' mode!) # robots = on #user-agent = Mozilla/4.6C-SGI[en] (X11;I;IRIX 6.3 IP32) #header = From: ak@lunatica.net # better use the environment #http_proxy = proxy.lunatica.lan:8080 #ftp_proxy = proxy.lunatica.lan:8080 add_hostdir = on cut_dirs = 0 dirstruct = on span_hosts = off domains = exclude_domains = exclude_directories = /cgi-bin,/usr-cgi-bin include_directories = accept = .html,.htm,.shtml,.asp,.css,.txt,.asc,.js,.java,.jpeg,.jpg,.JPG,.gif,.GIF,.png,.midi,.mid reject = -cgi,.cgi,.pl,.map,.z,.gz,.tgz,.tar,.zip,.arj,.exe,.ps,.pdf,.doc,.mp3,.wav,.ra ########################################################################### recursive = on no_parent = on convert_links = on relative_only = off noclobber = off simple_host_check = on # reclevel needs to be high! some bug in wget? reclevel = 1000 # tries may be set to 'inf' tries = 10 timeout = 590 remove_listing = off input = .url logfile = /dev/stdout verbose = on server_response = off dot_bytes = 10k dot_spacing = 10 dots_in_line = 50 #background = on